When creating a character, it’s easy to come up with the obvious, what they look like, what they do, where they’re from. But what really makes them stand out is everything underneath. Their fears, regrets, and their emotions. That’s what I wanted to share about Joseph. He isn’t just the main character of my film opening, he is the story. He is the piece that has brought this story together and in todays blog I want to deep dive into his character and who he is.
Bringing him to life-
To help visualize him, I made a mood board (which was honestly so fun) with canva.com. I used pictures from my camera roll, Pinterest, and google. The goal was to capture the essence of Joseph, the life he had before and the mystery of what’s happening to him now. I started with images that represented his fame: bright stage lights, crowds of people, and bright smiles. Then, I added the contrast: the eerie details that hint at something being wrong. For instance, a newspaper headline that reads Gone Too Soon, a picture symbolizing the state of being in between the living and the dead; Interlude. You saw what I did there, I finally decided that was going to be my title. These little details help tell his story before he even speaks a word.
So, who is Joseph? He’s the kind of guy who once had it all, but maybe didn’t appreciate it the way he should have. He was looked up to, talented, always in the spotlight. He liked to dress casual, opposite to his lifestyle. He swung by the same coffee shop every morning, he's a man of routine. He is a very serious soul, he could have a chuckle or two but generally very serious and closed off guy, you could say almost as if hiding something. But fame comes with pressure, and somewhere along the way, things took a turn. Maybe he lost himself in it. Maybe he made mistakes he can’t take back. And now, in the present, he’s stuck in a reality that no longer acknowledges him. He exists, but… does he really? I want his death to not be an accident, I want it to be intentional in a way as a lesson to make him dive back into his past and think about all his life choices. The mood board helped me visualize that contrast between his glamorous past and his eerie present, and I think it’s going to make his story even stronger I’m super excited to keep developing him!
Side characters:
Even though Joseph is the main character, there is still some side characters that will help shape and develop my opening further.
The Barista- The barista plays a key role in showing Joseph’s disconnect from reality. She never acknowledges him, even when he speaks directly to her, making it clear that something is seriously off. Her repeated actions: ignoring him, making drinks, chatting with customers, makes Joseph start realizing something is very wrong with his present Without realizing it, she also feeds him crucial information about his own death through her conversation, pushing him toward the truth. More than just a background character, she’s a reminder that Joseph doesn’t belong in this world anymore, he just hasn’t figured it out yet.
The Stranger- The stranger Joseph bumps into seems like just another person passing by, but that tiny moment is actually a huge confirmation that something is seriously wrong. Normally, when you bump into someone, there’s a reaction, an apology, a glance, something. But this person doesn’t react at all, like Joseph isn’t even there. It’s subtle, almost easy to miss, but it solidifies the eerie feeling that Joseph doesn’t exist in this world the way he thinks he does. It’s the first physical proof that he’s not just being ignored, he’s completely invisible to the living.
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