Thursday, August 29, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

 For this assignment, we were asked to create a story using 15 different camera shots and angles to show the idea and mood of the story. The goal was to use these shots to really make the story come alive and make the emotions clear.

For my project, I chose to tell the story of a sponge's life. I started by showing a brand-new sponge, bright and fresh.  As the story progressed, I demonstrated how the sponge gradually got more worn out from washing countless dishes. Each shot showed the sponge in different states of use, from its original, perfect condition to its final, tired shrunken, torn, and stained state from all the hard work.

In developing this project, I focused on using different camera angles to emphasize the sponge's journey. For example, I used close-up shots to highlight the sponge's texture and wear, and long shots to show its environment, like the sink full of dishes it had to clean. I wanted the audience to feel the sponge's exhaustion by the end, almost as if it had gone through the experience with it. Reflecting on my work, I’m happy with how I was able to convey the sponge’s life cycle using camera techniques. The progression from new to old was clear, and I think the shots effectively captured the wear and tear of the sponge over time. However, if I were to do it again, I would try to experiment more with the camera angles to add even more interest to the story. I would also work on making the transitions between shots smoother, so the story flows more naturally from one scene to the next.

Camera Shot Quiz (Life of Sponge)

 Hi, I’m Fabiana. I’m creating this blog as part of my Cambridge AICE Media Studies course. Through this blog, I’ll be sharing my journey as I work on different projects and assignments. This space is a way for me to document my learning process, reflect on what I’m studying, and connect with others who are interested in media. 

CCR #1 !

For my first CCR I had to answer the following question: - How does your project use or challenge conventions and how does it represent soci...